All You Need to Know about Kundalini Yoga and Awakening
Do you want to awaken the Kundalini energy and attain spiritual enlightenment? Are you looking to advance your inner guidance and live mindfully? Do you want to increase your vitality and well-being? Do you want to feel happier, healthier, and more energized? If so, Kundalini Yoga is what you need.
Kundalini Yoga is derived from Kundalini, defined in Vedantic culture as the energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine until it is activated (by the practice of yoga) and directed upward through the chakras in the process of spiritual glory.
Until it moves, it’s almost non-existent. Because of this, Kundalini is symbolized as a snake because it’s so hard to see a coiled-up snake unless it moves. Likewise, you can’t see this coiled-up energy unless it moves. Miraculous things will happen to you if your Kundalini is aroused. The pouring of a completely new level of energy begins, and your body and everything starts to act in a completely different way.
It is believed to be the power associated with the divine feminine. Kundalini Yoga is influenced by the Shaktism and Tantra schools of Hinduism. It derives its name by a focus on the awakening of Kundalini energy through regular practice of Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, Yoga, or Meditation.
Over the last few years, Kundalini Yoga has grown in popularity. It is actually a synthesis of Bhakti Yoga (devotion and chanting), Raja Yoga (meditation), and Shakti Yoga (expression of power and energy). However, it may include Hatha yoga techniques (Bandha, Pranayama, and Asana), Patanjali’s Kriya Yoga (consisting of self-discipline, self-study, and devotion to God), Tantric visualization and meditation techniques of Iaya yoga (known as Samsketas), and other techniques geared towards the ‘Awakening of Kundalini.’
This energy is said to flow through the Ida (left), Pingala (right), and central or Sushumna Nadi — the major channels of Pranic energy in the body. A recent study showed that the mechanism may be regulated by the Vagus nerve.
The outcome simply means that Mother Earth’s energy rises up the spine and ultimately merges with the sun and the cosmic energy in Crown Chakra, so our body is hopefully a mere source for Earth’s energy that merges with higher spiritual forces in our body. In order for this to happen, one must become “enlightened,” that is, keep his/her chakras open and clean of any 3D energies that clog chakras including panic, concern, anxiety, anger, jealousy, etc.; only then will one be unified with the world.
A typical Kundalini Yoga class comprises the following parts:
1. Opening chant
2. Pranayamas
3. Kriyas
4. Relaxation
5. Meditation
6. Closing chant
• Every class begins with an Opening Chant, also known as tuning in. From base to top of the head, the opening chant vibrates the entire spine. Practicing it helps us start, experience, and celebrate the Divine resonance of Kundalini energy within us.
• You will do breathing exercises called Pranayama and also move your spine occasionally. Pranayama is used to link mind, body, and breathing (spirit) through mindful breathing exercises. Pranayama’s goal is to regulate the breath. Different pranayama has different effects and can create a strong chemical change in the body when coupled with movements.
• Your Drishti — where you set your gaze during your physical practice — is used to deepen your focus and awareness.
• The Kriya comprises a sequence of Mantras, Asanas, Mudras, and Bandhas.
- Mantras are incorporated throughout to use sound therapy and the sound vibrations within your body.
- Asanas and repeat motions are used to relieve body stress and transfer energy around the body to strengthen, stretch, and release.
- Mudras, the hand gestures incorporated into your practice, are energy ‘seals’ using the magnetic and electrical polarities in the fingers and hands.
- Bandhas are useful to brain centers, chakras, and nadis. It purifies power channels, eliminates blockages, and improves energy exchange. Bandhas minimized emotional restlessness and tension and provides inner harmony and balance.
• Kriyas are followed by a long Relaxation, where students lie down in Savasana and rest, allowing the glandular system to secrete, the nervous system to adjust, and the entire body system to absorb all the effects that occurred during kriyas. It’s a moment of tremendous healing.
• Kundalini Meditation is part of Kundalini Yoga and is intended to transfer energy through your body. The aim of this method of releasing energy from the body is to create a means of communication between the mind and the body to ease mental, physical, and spiritual problems.
• The class concludes with a Closing Chant. The common closing chant that you will hear in the Kundalini class is ‘Sat Nam,’ which means ‘I am the truth.’ This is Gurmukhi for, ‘Truth is my identity,’ or ‘Truth is my essence.’ It is used as a salutation as well as a mantra for Kundalini Yoga exercises, inhaling Sat (truth), exhaling Nam (name, identity). Sat Nam is about the realization of your true self. The closing chant is a true melodic celebration as this mantra vibrates through the spine, activates the chakra system, and awakens the Kundalini. It confirms the universal consciousness in everyone.
Kundalini Awakening Phases
The Kundalini awakening phase is in 4 stages. The phases are…Read More