The Power of Shyness: 16 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud of Being Shy
“Shyness Cannot Be Cured, It’s A Part Of Being Human”
Nowadays it is socially desirable to be charismatic and extremely self-confident, but some people are simply not, and there is nothing wrong with it.
Shy people are criticized a lot and rarely thanked for who they are. Therefore, this book is for you my friend.
The confident individual in society has an easier life, they are more welcomed as if they are doing what all human beings should do. But what if I were to tell you that there are a lot of benefits to being shy? Some might even say… super-powers? That might sound crazy to many people living in an extroverted world, but trust me by the end of this book you might change your mindset.
Stick with me as we go through the book to find out why you should be proud of being shy rather than being afraid of…
Find out 16 reasons why you should be proud of being shy rather than being afraid of- The Power Of Shyness-…
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