Vata-Pacifying Delicious Indian Coconut Rice and Masala Coconut Rice
Coconut is a “Tree of Life” — a tree that is useful from head to toe and beyond. Every part of the coconut tree is used. We have learned from a range of facts and statistics that the benefit of coconut is tremendous.
Coconut rice is a flavorful and simple rice dish made with freshly grated coconut, tempering spices, curry leaves, and rice. It is one of the most basic South Indian Foods made for festivals and special occasions.
From an Ayurvedic Standpoint:
It is said to be helpful to people with Pitta and Vata doshas in Ayurveda. People with Kapha dosha may still use it, but only in moderation. Coconut is a gluten-free food! Coconut flour is now accessible and can be used in a variety of recipes. It is an alkaline food with a large content of saturated fat and fiber. It also includes protein as well as minerals including calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. It has a low GI due to its high-fat content and can lower the overall GI of any meal when added…Read More