Why Celibacy/Brahmacharya is a Must as per Indian Culture and Why it is Vital for Spiritual Growth??
Today, I’m going to introduce you to the most powerful way of raising your vibration for spiritual growth. I’m going to show you practical tools to really be able to let go of what doesn’t serve you to become your highest self and be happy almost all the time.
You may have seen this scale many times, it’s from the book called Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, and it’s the understanding that there are different levels of vibrational states of being. Here under these levels, you will find that at the bottom you have a tendency of shame such as guilt, and then ultimately you shift into wiliness neutrality. Above that you are closer to love and acceptance, then love and joy and peace all the way up to enlightenment.
3–4 years ago, before I began transmuting and really started studying all this knowledge, I was still engrossed in the lowest emotional state of being (I’m not claiming I’m perfect or enlightened now; I’m still exploring).
Mostly, I felt guilt; I felt anger from my childhood and some of the stuff I’ve been through. I had attachments to experiences that just didn’t serve me. But when I start to transmute, something happened to me. I became really mindful of my thoughts.
Our thoughts are still going to come from a specific angle, and there’s going to be a certain momentum in our thoughts. I’ve had a number of feelings that have been in motion and a constant loop of feeling anger over certain stuff, that feeling of shame or guilt about things I wish could let go but unable to do anything about it.
But as soon as I started to practice transmutation techniques, I started to observe my thoughts. And this difference between observing thoughts was the game changer for me!
The first step towards transmutation for Spiritual Awakening:
Transmutation is a technique of transferring energy from the lower Chakras of the body to the higher Chakras. If you’re new to Chakras, I’ll come to that in a moment, but for now, let’s look at the transmutation.
So like I mentioned, there should be energy for transmutation that can be transmuted. Sure, you could save a good amount of energy as an empath by adopting the survival tips and focusing on your empathic abilities (That’s a benefit you have over others).
But for something like a spiritual awakening, you’re going to require a lot of energy that can be transmuted! And trust me, you literally don’t have worry about it. There’s a built-in energy station in your body that can produce more than enough energy for you to achieve spiritual awakening.
Sex. It is the guiding force of existence, the energetic core of existence. The essence of worldly life is Liberation (Moksha) and the essence of the body is semen (Virya). All objects in the universe by nature are diminishing. Semen is the only one that can rise (Urdhvagami) if you choose to. Thus, the seed of intent (causes) for the energies of the semen is the rise towards spirituality.
Let’s just say that there is certainly a valid explanation that all spiritual traditions recommend ‘Celibacy.’ Sex is amazing, but no sexual experience could even come close to this.
From the pollination of plants to the innate desire to reproduce in animals and humans alike, nearly all has a sex drive — and the sex drive is the result of our libido.
At the source of all existence, sex is the cornerstone of all life; from the birth of an infant to the ecstatic conception of a piece of art, all growth is rooted in libido.
If you have an unwieldy sex drive or just want to harness this energy in for your spiritual growth, keep reading. You might be amazed at what the power of your libido can do!
What is Sexual Transmutation?
Sexual transmutation is the alchemical process of channeling and guiding the sexual energies to a higher purpose of life. As one of the most strong forces of creation, our sexual energy may be guided toward achieving ambitions, manifesting desires, and reaching deeper states of consciousness.
Your sexual energy is incredibly precious, and it is much more precious if you want to achieve spiritual growth. Brahmacharya is a term within Indian traditions that simply means “conduct consistent with Brahman” or “on the path of Brahman.” Yoga, Hinduism, and Buddhism usually apply to a lifestyle marked by sexual continence or abstinence. (In western culture, it is referred as ‘Celibacy’).
Throughout the Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist monastic practices, Brahmacharya means, among other aspects, a mandatory renunciation of sex and marriage. This is considered important for the spiritual growth of a monk. Western notions of religious life as practiced in monastic settings reflect these characteristics.
According to Ayurveda, Semen is the last Dhatu to be formed out of Majja or Marrow. From food chyle (Rasa) is manufactured. Out of chyle comes blood (Rakta); out of blood comes flesh; out of flesh comes fat: out of fat comes marrow; out of marrow comes semen. These are the seven Dhatus. From start to finish, it takes the male body an average of 74 days to produce new sperm cells. There are three divisions in each Dhatu. Semen nourishes the physical body, heart, and intellect.
The ignorant man is a tool in the hands of his Samskaras and Karmas. Slowly he gains strength by understanding his true essential nature, by doing spiritual Sadhana, and by removing desires and greed.
If sexual energy is transmuted into Ojas, the shiny essence (Tejas) of all seven Dhatus is Ojas. It is the strongest aspect of the seven Dhatus gathered together) or the spiritual energy of pure consciousness, called sex-sublimation in Western Psychology. Just like metals and chemicals are dissolved by heating, similarly sexual energy is purified and converted into spiritual energy through spiritual Sadhana, through enjoying pure soul-raising thoughts of the Self or Atman.
In Yoga, one is called the Ordhvareta in whom the seminal energy has flowed upward into the brain as Ojas Shakti. There is no possibility of the semen going down through sexual excitement.
Brahmacharya/Celibacy is a very difficult practice. It demands constant and long-lasting Sadhana and perfect discipline. The Yogi who has mastered complete sublimation has complete power over lust. There’s no possibility of his destruction. He’s absolutely free!
He can embrace young women, yet he will be completely free from impurity. This is a really high point! Thus just a small amount of people can attain this sublime exalted state. Sri Sankara, Sri Dattatreya, and Jnana Dev of Alandi had reached this stage.
The procedure of sex-sublimation is rather complicated, but that it is most important for the aspirant to pursue the path of spirituality. It is the most significant qualification for the aspirant who is looking for supreme bliss and enlightenment. You’ve got to achieve this at any cost.
Brahmacharya is a simple pre-requisite for an aspirant. If one has this qualification or quality, any other qualifications would be linked to him; all spiritual qualities will come automatically to him.
All in all, the supreme aim of human life — spiritual attainment — requires the greatest accessible Pranic resources at all levels: mental, intellectual, and emotional. It’s via Prana that one has to regulate one’s senses. This is via Prana that one always has to have the restless nature of the mind. This is by Prana that one needs to centralize all the dispersed rays of the mind to make it one-pointed in focus. It is through Prana that one has to direct the concentrated mind to the object of meditation.
If you get engaged in a sexual impulse, the stock of sexual energy from inside will drain, decrease and go down. It’s going to accumulate there and then discharge quickly. But if the thought, which emerged as a consequence of the sexual impulse, is uprooted and tossed away as soon as it arrives, then the sexual force will not be drained and thus will not go down. It’ll rise to a higher level in the spiritual world. There’s a huge science going within.
The Benefits of Preserving Your Sexual Energy are:
Physical and Mental Benefits:
-A person practicing Brahmacharya is capable of taking advantage of the power of mind, body, and speech. This means they’re capable of doing anything…Read More