Your Vishuddhi/Throat Chakra Healing Guide
There’s been a lot of talks lately about chakras, chakra healing, and chakra balancing. But, before we get into how to balance the chakras, we need to first understand what they are, what they symbolize, and how they affect our mind, body, and life. This introduction covers it all!
The chakras are a component of the subtle body, also known as the energy body. It is the portion of the body that we cannot see or touch yet can always feel. It is the part of us that beats our hearts, the part of us that has gut instincts, and the energy inside us that connects, moves, and defines our being.
The seven chakras are the body’s primary energy centers. Unblocking or healing our chakras refers to the idea that when all of our chakras are open, energy can flow freely through them and there is harmony between the body, mind, and soul.
Each chakra emits a distinct color and energy, and each corresponds to a gland in the physical body. Because each chakra is associated with unique spiritual, emotional, psychological, and physical parts of our being, their blocking or dysfunction might cause physical, psychological, and emotional problems. Conscious awareness and balance of these energy centers, on the other hand, are said to result in happiness and good health.
The concept of chakras was initially conceived thousands of years ago in ancient India, and the oldest evidence of chakras may be found in the Vedas. They are the earliest known texts of Hinduism and the oldest known written Sanskrit, dating back to 1500–500 BCE. The Upanishads (part of the Vedas) include evidence of chakra theories, which influenced the spirituality of Hinduism, Buddhism, and other ancient eastern faiths.
The Throat Chakra, also known as the Vishuddhi Chakra in Sanskrit, is situated at the base of the neck. Internally and outwardly, it serves as the person’s drive of expression and individual truth. A balanced Throat Chakra frees us from the fear of being judged or the desire for approval from others. This chakra assists us in embracing our distinct individual experiences in the world. It is also linked to the notion of truth since it is related to purity.
Consider the Throat Chakra to be the line of communication between the lower and upper chakras. The first four chakras — Muladhara (Root), Svadhishthana (Sacral), Manipura (Navel), and Anahata (Heart) — are associated with earth elements and the physical body. Light, beauty, intuition, and cosmic or spiritual energy are connected with the Ajna (Third Eye) and Sahasrara (Crown) chakras. The Throat Chakra serves as a bridge between both realms. It’s the link between the personal and the universal. It brings together the energy of your fundamental needs and your higher wisdom.
The Throat Chakra is in charge of communication, expressing thoughts, emotions, and ideas, maintaining a healthy internal dialogue, establishing a balance between speaking and listening, seeking and sharing truth, social skills, and personal integrity and honor. It also has a close relationship with the Sacral Chakra; while the Sacral Chakra regulates creativity, it is the Throat Chakra that allows people to share their creative ideas rather than suppressing them for fear of what others will think. In other words, your creative thoughts need Throat Chakra energy to find a “Voice” in the world…Read More